What is your delivery time?
We generally ship our products from the warehouses within 24 hours of placing the order. There are some instances where it might take upto 48 hours to ship (Depending on weekends/public holidays).
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all types of debit cards and credit cards. We also accept online payments like PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay and Shop Pay. We also provide easy instalments with PayPal and Klarna.
What if my product received is damaged during delivery?
Don't worry, we've got you with our 14 Days Risk-Free purchase policy. No matter what, you can return the product back to us within 14 days of the delivery. Please note that the product is accepted for returns if not damaged or working in a proper condition.
Where is the warehouse based?
We have our fantastic warehouse located in Melbourne and all the products are quality inspected and shipped from our warehouse to your doorstep.

Still have questions? contact us.
